Prayag Preschool

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Prayag Preschool

At Prayag Preschool children enjoy all the benefits of the principles of Montessori for e.g. Independent space for each child, focus on eye-hand co-ordination, aim to help the child to explore their environment without curbing their spirit and most importantly treat and respect the child as an individual.

Prayag Preschool takes children only after they turn 2 years, as we are of the firm belief that a child less than this age does need the security of their immediate family and it is after 2 years that they will be more open to take on the third environment i.e., the Preschool. Preschool maintains a ratio of children to adult as 12:1 with an additional support staff to help the adult. Culture and group activities are also the areas where in the child is introduced to in the Preschool. Children who enroll for Montessori at the age of 2 years will be kept in the Premont environment and then moved to Montessori environment after they turn 3 years as this is the right age for the child to start to take in the Montessori materials.

Prayag Preschool also has a facility where children who are visiting for a short period from other parts of the world can enroll for a short term provided the openings are available. Here they will also receive help to cover the required curriculum to be completed by their own school with traditional school setting of tables and chairs set inside a classroom.

Prayag Preschool adults are NTT certified and we also have one additional Montessori certified adult in the environment to help those children who have been enrolled at the age of 2 years for transition to Montessori when they turn 3 years.

A day at Preschool >